Monday 25 January 2010

No Bonus For RBS

Self explantory really.

Legendary politcal activist and protest singer Billy Bragg....blah,blah,blah...any fan of Bill's will tell you that he's always been more of a real-life chronicler and love-song balladeer than a fist waving, ranting political polemic kinda guy. Though, understandably, ranting tends to attract more attention than singing sweetly...

Anyway, Bill is - rightly - outraged at the potential payment of bonuses to high-flying RBS types in light of the fact that we, the UK taxpayers, own 84% of the bank and, as such, have a right to veto. The web is, at the moment, full of Bill's Campaign (he's even got himself a website all about it) and he's omnipresent in radio and tv interviews.

Fair Play Bill I reckon. I've long thought that the country would be a better place with BB for PM.

Facebook campaign anyone?

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